Category: General

Carlo Lepelaars

Crowdcent, logo, investing, NLP, machine learning, numerai, crowdsourcing

Joining CrowdCent full-time

Very happy to announce that, starting in January, I’m joining CrowdCent full-time! I will focus on financial data, NLP and Numerai models. CrowdCent’s vision is to decentralize investment management by aligning incentives, crowdsourcing ideas and processing them with machine learning. For more information:

signals, numerai, introduction, nmr

Numerai Signals Blog post

I just released a new blog post on getting started with Numerai Signals using and a sentiment analysis model (FinBERT). Blog post link here Accompanying code link here This post was written for Weights and Biases. More blog posts that I wrote for this platform can be found here.

Transformer, Attention is all you need

Transformer Deep Dive blog post

“If you want to learn something well, explain it.” – Richard Feynman Over the Christmas break I wrote a deep dive about the fundamental building block of so many awesome AI models nowadays (GPT-3, DALL-E, etc.): Transformers! Includes background, PyTorch code and formulas. Hope you learn as much from it as I did writing it!…
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GradCAM, Artificial Intelligence, AI, XAI, Elephant, Keras, Tensorflow

Discussing Explainable AI with Jönköping University professor Beril Sirmacek

The past weeks I have had the honor to talk about Explainable AI (XAI) with Beril Sirmacek for a course she teaches at Jönköping University in Sweden. We talk about how I started with data science and especially computer vision. We go into several XAI techniques. In a follow-up video we also do a deep…
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Convolutional neural networks, leaves, apple trees, plant disease, computer vision, kaggle, weights and biases, wandb

The evolution of mobile CNN architectures

For Weights & Biases I just released a new report researching the evolution of mobile Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures (MobileNet, SqueezeNet, GhostNet, etc.). It also includes a Kaggle Notebook so you compare and experiment with the CNN architectures yourself. Weights & Biases Report Kaggle Notebook

numerai, interview, office hours with arbitrage

Numerai Interview on “Office Hours with Arbitrage”

For the last half year I’ve been active on Numerai, an online Data Science tournament where you build predictive models for stock market trading. When I started with the tournament it felt tough to get started and setup a good model evaluation scheme. As a result of this initial struggle I decided to feature Numerai…
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Weights And Biases, logo

Joining Weights & Biases’ Author program

For the last two weeks I started writing for Weights & Biases (W&B) as part of their author program. They are making very cool tools for machine learning engineers. I will highlight some essential features in upcoming blog posts. My first blog post is on getting started with Numerai, which is a data science tournament…
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stuffed elephant, computer vision, cnns, 3d, rotation

Estimating 3D rotation with deep learning

For the past two months my colleagues and I at VBTI have been working on estimating 3D rotation with deep learning for various applications. Here we show an example demonstration using a laptop webcam and a stuffed elephant (Ollie). ?

Kaggle, Deepfake, Face detection

79st Place Silver Solution in Kaggle’s Deepfake Detection Competition!

Happy to say that our team got 79st place in Kaggle’s Deepfake Detection competition! This is sufficient for a silver medal. In this blog post I will give an overview of our solution. In essence, we tried to include as much model diversity in our ensemble as possible in order to survive a leaderboard shakeup.…
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Kaggle, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, EfficientNet, AI, Machine Learning

Achieving Kernels Master and Competitions Expert on Kaggle!

After spending 1.5 years on Kaggle I can confidently say that it has been the most valuable resource for learning Data Science that I encountered. Kaggle will give you a fast way to learn the basics of Data Science and participating in competitions pushes you to research the state-of-the-art and keep learning. Recently, I achieved…
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